Friday, December 12, 2014

Gift Giving - Revealed!

Monday, December 8th, marked the day before finals commenced at UIndy.

Because of having a different class schedule,the team was able to use that prep-day to bring gifts from the wrapping party (see post) to a family who were displaced from their home in University Heights area.

We headed off to IPS School 65, trash bags in hand, gifts all wrapped and unable to contain our excitement. None of us even knew what the family looked like, and we could not wait to see the looks on their faces as they opened their gifts and donations!

The little baby, Brooklyn, getting her stocking!

Junior Keki Elliott sharing this precious moment with the family.

Another unexpected surprise was the guest we picked up for the journey, Santa! We quickly became his helpers, and he brought in one of the big trash bags full of gifts. The two older children could not stop smiling when they saw him and Santa (Jordan) handed out the first few gifts to each of the family members.

The kids were so excited to see Santa and open their gifts!

The kids could not have been happier and more grateful, and neither were we. It was a humbling experience and such a reward to be there for them when this family needed it most. We couldn't have done it without the help of our coaching staff, training staff, and Daryl Gibb's and his classes donations. Because of all of this help, we got to give this family a holiday season that they did not think would come, and that was the biggest reward of all. And thank you, Jackie Paquette for being there, sharing in the excitement and capturing some of these photos for us.

I'm going to miss these ladies so much for the next month, and cannot wait to pick up where we left off. 
It's going to a big year for UIndy Women's Soccer, I can just feel it. 

What a good lookin' crew, huh?
Lindsey #13

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